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TeaSource Chai

Black teas are made from tea leaves that have been quickly and heavily oxidized. This gives the leaf and liquor a dark appearance and significantly changes the aroma and flavor - most notably in the strong body of breakfast teas. Chinese gongfu black teas are less concerned with strength and focus on more subtle characteristics.

TeaSource Chai Recipe

Make Chai "Goop" the night before.

  • Mix one 14 oz. can sweetened condensed milk with 1 level tablespoon TeaSource Chai Spice Blend in a small container until spices are evenly dispersed.
  • Put mixture in the refrigerator overnight.

Make a cup of Breakfast Assam (*substitute Rooibos for a decaf version)

  • Measure 1 rounded teaspoon of Assam for each 8 oz. cup (for a 4 cup teapot, use 4 rounded teaspoons of tea).
  • Steep tea leaves in boiling water for 2-4 minutes. Remove tea leaves.
  • Mix 1-2 tablespoons of sweetened condensed milk and chai spice "goop" for each 8 oz. cup of Breakfast Assam made.

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