Hammer & Tongs Yunnan | Black Tea
Temporarily sold out. A new lot is on the way!
These long golden leaves produce a spirited and enthusiastic liquor. The cup has a sweet malty character with earthy undertones that will deliver increasing intensity with stronger steeping.
Produced on April 5, 2022 by Ms. Zhao Yu Jie in Feng Qing County, Yunnan Province. It’s a one bud, two leaf pick of a local Feng Qing cultivar grown at approximately 6,000 feet. The Chinese name for this tea is “Pine Needle” in reference to its deliberate needle shape.
This tea was formerly called Golden Needle.
Ingredients: black tea
Steeping Instructions
3 grams | 10-12 oz water | 212°F | Steep 4 min.
Traditional Steeping - Use 6 grams of tea in a 150ml gaiwan and 212°F degree water.:
- 10 second rinse – Discard
- 1st Steep – 20 seconds
- 2nd Steep – 15 seconds
- 3rd Steep – 30 seconds
- 4th Steep – 60 seconds
- 5th Steep – 2 minutes 30 seconds
Number of Cups
2 oz makes 19 cups, 4 oz makes 38 cups