Ceylon Rainforest Green Tea
The inherent citrus character is a nice surprise for a green tea. The lush and expansive cup provides satisfying weight and resistance to astringency. Steep in a standard Western manner for a smooth, daily drinker – or a little stronger for a more exciting adventure.
This OP leaf grade was produced July 2024 by Mr. Asanga Maveekumbura at the Lumbini Tea Valley Estate in the Ruhuna region of Sri Lanka. It’s a one bud, two leaf pick of the TRI2026 cultivar growing at 1,400 feet.
Ingredients: green tea
Steeping Instructions
4 grams | 10-12 oz water | 175°F | Steep 3 min.
Number of Cups
4 oz makes 38 cups, 1 lb makes 151 cups